Suman Kumar Das

Suman Kumar Das

 3 years ago

A curious soul at work and always on the lookout for new challenges, I am a firm believer in the Latin phrase ‘Carpe Diem’, which means 'Seize the Day', and I live life by it. I have been writing on various real estate, architecture, home decor and rental trends. When not glued to the computer screen and editing stories, I enjoy a good laugh with close friends, read books and take pictures!

Member since Jun 23, 2021

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Legitimate Checklist To Rent A House

Legitimate Checklist To Rent A House

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6 Reasons to Go Green With Your Rental Property

6 Reasons to Go Green With Your Rental Property

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Why a Police Screening of Tenants is Necessary...

Why a Police Screening of Tenants is Necessary and How it is Carried Out?

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Is It A Good Move To Move At A Cheaper Rent?

Is It A Good Move To Move At A Cheaper Rent?

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