Legitimate Checklist To Rent A House

Legitimate Checklist To Rent A House

Legitimate Checklist To Rent A House

With internet portals that act as intermediaries, tenants and landlords can easily find each other; However, since a rental agreement involves a lot of legal effort, both parties need to know the related documents exactly.

HomeTenants.com is here to share a legitimate checklist for landlords and tenants.

Legitimate checklist for tenants

Electricity bills:

Electricity bills are generally made out in the owner's name. Always check the old installments or the penalty for previous late payments. You can also check the total allowable load on your electricity meter, especially if you have multiple high powered devices, you can ask the landlord to order a high voltage electricity meter if you are renting a single family home 

NOC('No-objection certificate'):

Many housing companies in cities like Mumbai, Pune, etc. have certain restrictions and reservations when it comes to tenants. It is advisable to ask the owner about the company's rules and clearance certificate from the housing company's office to avoid future disputes. 

Proof of home ownership:

Tenants can also request proof of home ownership such as a title deed or other document that establishes the landlord's right to rent the property.

Legitimate checklist for landlords

ID/Address Proof:

The landlord must keep a copy of the tenant’s address and ID. In addition, when renting an apartment to students, the homeowner can also request the contact information of the local parent/guardian. 

Police verification:

The tenant has been checked by the police to ensure that no legal action will be taken against you. This can be done at the nearest police station. You need to fill out the form and attach documents that prove the identity of the tenant. 

Work details:

The police will visit your premises to verify job details-if you have employees as tenants, you can also keep employer records. This is another way to check tenants and ensure that they have a stable job and have the opportunity to pay rent on time. 

Expenses, water bills, etc.:

When drafting a lease agreement, the landlord and tenant must choose to pay for the property-related expenses, while the maintenance fee is paid by the landlord, water bills, and lease logs. The tenant bears the cost.If the lease term is less than 11 months, there is no need to register the lease. In addition, the lease agreement must specify how much the rent is going to increase, and this should also be clearly stated when it starts. Paid. The interest paid overdue must also be clearly stated.

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